The St. Francis School (CISCE) Alumni Association

  Memorandum, rules, regulations and Bye-Laws

The St. Francis School, MA 138
Mount Poinsur, Borivali West, Gate No: 1,
Maharashtra - 400103


  1. Name: The St. Francis School (CISCE) Alumni Association hereinafter referred to as Association.
  2. The Registered office: The registered office of the Association shall be located at the The St. Francis School (CISCE), Mount Poinsur, Borivali West, Mumbai, Gate No: 1, Maharashtra 400103, India.
  3. The Aims and Objectives:
    1. To maintain a link between the school and the former students and teachers.
    2. To exchange knowledge, organize conferences, seminars, workshops & training courses with a view to foster all round development of the students and instill in them the right values.
    3. To help organize schooling programs, charity work and other social activity towards contributing meaningfully to the welfare of the society.
    4. To encourage the Alumni to take abiding interest in the progress and development of the Alma Mater.

Rules and Regulations

  1. "Association" means - The St. Francis School (CISCE) Alumni Association.
  2. The Institute means The St. Francis School, (CISCE) Borivali.
  3. The "General Body" means the General Body of the Association.
  4. The "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the Association.
  5. Alumnus means an ex-student who has passed out from The St. Francis School (CISCE) and the teaching staff as described below.
  6. The financial year of the Association shall be reckoned from 1st April to 31st March of the following year.
  7. No activities will be carried on without the permission of the President.

Membership Eligibility:

  1. Must be a former student of St. Francis School, (CISCE) having attended at least 2 years of the schooling.
  2. Must have adequate time to give to the group.
  3. Former and current school teaching staff that have been associated with the institute for at least 2 years.

Cessation of Membership:

A member of the Association shall cease to be a member if he/she resigns from his/her membership or is of unsound mind or is convicted for any offence involving moral conduct. A member can be terminated of the membership by the Executive Committee for any compelling reasons.

Finances and Accounts:

The Association shall raise funds for pursuing the objectives of the Association through:

  1. Membership fee from the members - The rate of membership fee shall be as determined and governed by the Bye-Laws of them Association.
  2. Money donated by the members.
  3. Any other source approved by the Executive Committee


  1. An annual membership fee, the amount of which shall be discussed and decided each year, is to be paid in order to qualify membership of the Association.
  2. The account of the Association shall be maintained by a selected active member of the institutes office with proven integrity and such member shall be thoughtfully selected by the Executive Committee
  3. Withdrawals from the invested funds shall be made only with the prior approval of the Executive Committee shall be ratified later by the General Body later on.

Organization of the Association:

  1. General Body-There shall be a General Body of the Association consisting of all members.
  2. Executive Body-There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the day today affairs of the Association.

General Body:

  1. The General Body of the Association shall hold an Annual General Body Meeting at least once a year and not more than 18 months shall elapse between two successive Annual General Body Meetings.
  2. A notice of clear 14 days convening an Annual General Body Meeting shall be given to the members.
  3. The Secretary can, upon being requested in writing by the Executive Committee or by a group of minimum / 30 members of the Association, call an Extraordinary General Body Meeting (EGM) at least at least 7 days notice along with agenda shall be circulated to all the members.
  4. 30 members present in person shall form a quorum for any meeting of the General Body and an extra ordinary General Body meeting. If the meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, the meeting shall again take place after 30 minutes of adjournment to transact the same business and the members present shall form the quorum.

The duties of the General Body shall be:

  1. To set guidelines for the Executive Committee so as to implement and achieve the aims and objectives of the Association and issue appropriate directions to organize the activities specified by the bye laws of the association.
  2. To approve the budget for the following year.
  3. To elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee.
  4. To transact any other business with the permission of the President in Chair.

Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee shall consist of:
  1. President 1 (Principal)
  2. Vice President - 1
  3. Secretary - 1
  4. Treasurer - 1
  5. Assisting Council Members 3

Election of the Executive Committee:

  1. All office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected/ nominated from amongst the Members.
  2. The President (Principal) shall be automatically elected by rule.
  3. Vice President shall be elected from amongst the members of General Body.
  4. The Secretary shall be elected from amongst the members of General Body.
  5. The Treasurer shall be elected from amongst the members of General Body.
  6. 3 Assisting Council members shall be nominated by the Executive Committee.
  7. The President can nominate two members representing special interests.
  8. In the eventuality of any seat left vacant, the Executive Committee will have the power to co-opt members to fill the vacancies.
  9. The procedure for election of the office bearers of the Association shall be regulated accordance with the Bye-laws of the Association.
  10. Normally no elected/ nominated office bearer shall hold office for more than three consecutive years except under exceptional circumstances approved by the Executive Committee.
  11. The president will continue throughout the years of the association.

Responsibilities and duties of the office bearers:

The governing body will be the Executive Committee consisting of 1+6 members, each of whom will be elected/nominated.

President: The President shall preside over the General Body meetings. He/She shall have all the powers for the management and promotion of the objectives of the association

Vice president: The Vice President shall act as the President, in the absence of the President. He/She shall guide and advise the association regarding management and promotion of the objectives.


  1. The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out all correspondence and the maintenance of the records of the Association.
  2. The Secretary shall attend to all the activities of the association as approved by the Executive Committee.
  3. The President and Treasurer shall operate the accounts of the Association subject to general approval of the Executive Committee.
  4. Subsequent to the holding Annual General Body Meeting, the Secretary shall compile the following information:
    1. List of names addresses and occupation of the members of the Executive Committee including their telephone and email ID.
    2. An annual report of the Association.

Treasurer: Treasurer shall manage all finances of the association. He will collect all dues and claims for and on behalf of the Association.

Records of the Association: The following records shall be maintained in the registered office of the Association:

  1. List of Membership.
  2. Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings.
  3. Minutes of the General Body Meetings/EGM
  4. Stock Register of non-consumable and consumable items.
  5. Cash Book - Receipts and vouchers.
  6. Any other relevant record.
    These records shall include details of all sums of money received and the sources thereof, and details of all the sums of money dispersed and the purpose thereof.


The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year, the minutes of which would be maintained. The St. Francis School (CISCE) Alumni Association Bye Laws Name of the Society: The name of the Society shall be The St. Francis School (CISCE) Alumni Association and shall be referred to as Association Bye Laws

1 Procedure of Election

  1. A notice of the General Body Meeting may be served to all members through e-mode.
  2. It shall be the duty of a member to keep the Association informed about his/her current address and telephone no/email ID so that proceedings of the Association activities and notices of meeting notice could be sent to him/her.
  3. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Body Meeting through simple majority of votes.
  4. The members may self-nominate before the voting process.

2 Financial powers of the Secretary:

For non-budgeted items, the financial powers of the secretary shall be limited and subject to the approval of President

3 Subscription:

The rates of subscription for life membership at the time of application shall be as follows:

  1. Rs.1000 for Alumni living in India.
  2. Rs.1000 for overseas Alumni.
  3. Annual Membership Fee: The rate of Annual membership Fee per member shall be Rs.500
  4. All members will receive a copy of the Annual General Body Meeting report and other publications of the Association via e mode.
  5. The office bearers, executive committee members and general body members are bound by the bye laws of the association current at any time and may recommend amendment from time to time.
Sr.No Date Name Signature